Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Love is FOUND!

by Who?

YIREH.LOVE FOUNDATION is found by a group of people in their mid-30s, despite of busy life chasing money, have decided to do something to the society. It's driven by Love to help the "SLOW LEARNER". 

I proudly present to you our dedicated committee members:
President – Wong Ming Chang
Vice President – Loke Hong Peng
Secretary – How Chin Yet
Assistant Secretary – Lau Thim Khoon
Treasurer – Chan Shi Yun
Tow (2) Ordinary Committee Members – Kuan Mun Ni, Tan Enn Leong

The Objective, Mission and Vision

Formed in the light of children and teenagers who are in need of special attention and care but are unable to be admitted into ordinary institution, our intention is to pursue various and probable means for them to be accepted as part of the society and not ostracized. We intend to achieve this through the following efforts:

  • To provide support for these children and their parents in terms of information, advice and counselling
  • To educate, train and improve the quality of life of these children and their ability to live
  • To prepare these children for a vocation, the ability to earn a living and to enable them to be independent
  • To collaborate with various institutions, agencies, societies, commercial organisations and other establishments to set a platform for these special children;
  • To promote awareness and involvement of the general public and of their parents in particular, of the pertinent way to care for these special chidren and teenagers for them to be accepted by society.

The Logo